Thursday, October 4, 2012

Roasting Pumpkins

I love the blog "Oh She Glows" and highly recommend any of her amazing recipes. She's really my go-to person for cooking inspiration.

For reasons I can't explain, the idea of roasting a pumpkin (the little sugar ones at the grocery store, not the big guys!) intimidated me. I don't know why, since I confidently roast squash all fall and winter long, but it never occurred to me to try roasting a pumpkin.

Since Oh She Glows made it look so simple, I thought I'd give it a go!

I started by cutting off the stem and halving it.

Scooped out the seeds (which we late roasted with sea salt and devoured!) and placed them on a lined cookie sheet.

Face down to roast....

Roast at 350F for about 45-50 minutes. The exact time will vary depending on the size of the pumpkin(s) and you may need more time. The skin will be slightly darker and you should be able to poke a fork quite easily through.

Dig right in! I ate this piece with a little salt and pepper. Nothing else was needed since pumpkins are naturally sweet and yummy!

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