Popcorn. Remember when popcorn was good for us? I'm talking before it was smothered in palm oils and fake flavorings at the movie theater and in microwave popcorn (note: I get it. There really is no smell better than movie theater popcorn....) However, we managed to take a perfectly beautiful whole grain and make it junky.
I love this way of making yourself the ultimate afternoon snack: a simple brown bag of clean popcorn!
Here's how. Take a regular-sized brown lunch bag. Fill it with a 1/4 cup of popcorn.

Fold the bag over twice to create a little seal. Please it, seal-size down in the microwave. Zap it for 2 minutes and 30 seconds (I suppose there is a little room for error here, so stand by!)
Presto! A perfect mid-day snack for yourself!

And if you have gigantic handbags like me, go ahead and sneak it into the theater! You only live once :)
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